OTHERS 商品名:Beginning BR Brooch 商品説明: 日本では2019年5月1日より「令和」という新しい元号が始まりました。 「令和」という名称は、現存する日本の最古の和歌集である「万葉集」から引用され、「人々が美しく心を寄せ合い、文化が生まれ育つ」という意味が込められています。 この真鍮製ブローチは、具象的かつ抽象的なデザインで、人と人が手を繋いでいる様にも見えます。 エレガントさと面白さを合わせ持ち、独特な存在感を放ちます。 新しい時代の始まりに、あらゆるものがボーダーレスに調和・共存する世界を願って。 In Japan, a new era called “Reiwa” started on May 1, 2019. A Japanese era name is a title used for numbering years in the Japanese calendar system. From the Meiji period onwards, it became the rule to change era names only when a new emperor acceded to the throne. The name “Reiwa” comes from ‘Manyoshu’, the oldest Japanese poetry. The meaning is that “people are beautifully close to each other and culture is born and raised.” This brass brooch has a concrete and abstract design and looks like people holding hands. It has both elegance and fun, and gives off a unique presence. Hope for a world where everything harmonizes and coexists borderless at the beginning of a new era. Material : Brass Brooch pin : SV925 ¥21,010(税込) ★オーダー可能です。
商品名:Beginning BR Brooch
In Japan, a new era called “Reiwa” started on May 1, 2019.
A Japanese era name is a title used for numbering years in the Japanese calendar system.
From the Meiji period onwards, it became the rule to change era names only when a new emperor acceded to the throne.
The name “Reiwa” comes from ‘Manyoshu’, the oldest Japanese poetry.
The meaning is that “people are beautifully close to each other and culture is born and raised.”
This brass brooch has a concrete and abstract design and looks like people holding hands.
It has both elegance and fun, and gives off a unique presence.
Hope for a world where everything harmonizes and coexists borderless at the beginning of a new era.
Material : Brass
Brooch pin : SV925